Genuine Heart Counseling

Open Monday Wednesday & Friday
By Appointment Only

Chandra Lontz-Smith, MA, LPC, RPT 

Licensed Professional Counselor, Synergetic Play Therapist, and Parenting Guide

(970) 815-1366


Genuine Heart Counseling is a caring counseling resource for both children and adults serving clients in Longmont, CO and surrounding areas

I imagine that if you are exploring my website then something is not feeling right, and I want to help you get back on track.

Perhaps it is the sinking hole of depression that seems to be expanding around you or feelings of anxiety that makes nearly everything seem overwhelming or unmanageable. Maybe it’s relationship stuff, or figuring out how to manage a family that keeps changing, or finding support as you cope with a loss. Maybe it’s your child who seems to be having a challenging time managing strong emotions, taking redirection or is incredibly impulsive, aggressive or withdrawn.

What is the Genuine Heart Approach to Healing

I believe that with the right tools, even in the midst of challenging situations life can feel manageable, and I am passionate about helping clients create this ease and confidence for their lives.

When we are in our bodies and in relationship with ourselves, we naturally have a greater capacity to handle whatever life brings us.

I believe that with the help of our bodies and a little mindfulness and vulnerability, even the seemingly unworkable becomes manageable.

I am inspired to support others, and I have been most of my life. I am grateful for an opportunity to join you for a part of your healing journey.

This is about genuine, heartfelt connection

with yourself and with me, so that you can find your way toward more genuine connection with all people in your life.

This is about genuine, heartfelt expression

expression that comes from an honest, respectful place in your heart, that is connected with your true values and understands and appreciates the preciousness of the person you are relating with.

This is about genuine transformation

that comes from curiosity, friendliness, and compassion. It comes from embodying your transformation by exploring how your life, beliefs, decisions, and relationships are affecting you now, not just what it’s like to talk about it.

Services Provided by Genuine Heart Counseling

Adult Counseling
Child Therapy
Parent Support

Finding Center

I am passionate about helping clients get back in touch with the inherent qualities of strength, patience and confidence when life feels like it has the upper hand, or when stress, grief, resentments, anxiety, or depression seems to be overshadowing them.

With a kind, direct presence and my specialties in mindfulness, nervous system arousal, and emotional regulation, I assist clients with integrating challenging thoughts and feelings, finding meaning in the midst of difficulty, and staying connected with themselves as a source of their strength.

Synergetic Play Therapy

I am inspired by the healing wisdom in a child’s world of play. I love joining children in this space and helping them connect with themselves, express themselves, and trust themselves. I love helping them learn how to manage the often confusing and overwhelming realm of feelings and helping them create a deeper sense of confidence and empathy. 

Children show us in many ways when they are feeling overwhelmed, unsafe or uncomfortable. SPT can help you make sense of this and help them feel better.

Connection Heals the Heart

I am passionate about helping families create more connection and have more fun. We’ll work together to take the pressure off having to be perfect, as a parent or as a family and instead, create the needed support for the stress of parenting and take the time to celebrate the beauty. We’ll focus on what’s already working and you’ll learn what’s underneath your attention that allows your relationship with your child to be healing balm that’s needed to support off-track behavior. Sessions are informed by my training in Hand in Hand Parenting and Synergetic Play Therapy; both modalities are strengthened by research regarding relationship, authenticity, attachment and attunement.

About Me

I hold a masters in counseling, which focused on Gestalt Therapy, transpersonal aspects of experience and support, and mindfulness, and I went on to become certified in Synergetic Play Therapy. I also have training in Hand in Hand Parenting and nervous system approaches to managing anxiety and depression. Helping to supporting my work (and my life, really), in addition to my professional training, are many years as a mindfulness practitioner and a passion for emotions, relationships and authentic expression, as well as the insights, inspirations, challenges and trust that emerge from the experiences of over 2 decades of marriage and step-parenting.

Sessions are an exploratory ground and a place of practice, for experiences such as: present-centered awareness, nervous system regulation, mindfulness, curiosity, vulnerability and playfulness. Through this exploration clients find that new possibilities emerge, as well as a wider perspective, greater authenticity, and more confidence for whatever life hands (or throws) them.

I offer a free 20 minute phone conversation to answer questions, dispel any initial anxiety and give you a chance to see if we might be a good fit. I also invite you to take a look around my website. It will give you a better sense of my style and therapeutic approach.